Taking Cues From Nature

June 16, 2022

Award Magazine, June 2022, by Natalie Bruckner

Once considered an afterthought, sustainable design strategies are now front of mind when it comes to new builds and renovation projects. While regulations have influenced this change, it’s so much more than that. It’s the experts in the industry who are in the driving seat with their innovative thinking and passion to reduce our footprint.

At Williams Engineering the team has seen even greater emphasis over the past year on the decarbonization of buildings to meet climate action legislation, with clients now looking beyond the pay-back of projects and focusing more on greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction in the long run. Williams is working on several projects in this regard – one being the Reframed Lab that aims to transform how we retrofit multi-unit residential buildings to eliminate climate pollution, reduce energy waste, improve health and safety, and increase resilience to extreme weather events.

“Working with BC Housing, Metro Vancouver Housing Corporation, and five other design teams, we are completing deep retrofit designs for six multi-unit residential buildings,” says Laurence Kao, team lead, building performance and sustainability who is leading a design team for the Reframed Lab. The six-month Reframed Lab plans to design deep retrofit solutions for low-rise residential buildings in B.C.’s Lower Mainland, Capital Regional District, and Southern Interior.

With support from their peers and experts, teams are integrating carbon reduction, climate adaptation, energy conservation, seismic safety, and health and wellness through a comprehensive regenerative design process.

Read the full article Award Magazine – Taking-Cues-From-Nature