A condition assessment was conducted on the City of Calgary Municipal Campus and Administration Building located at 800 Macleod Trail SE in Calgary, Alberta, which is approximately 74,607 sq ft. The 13th-floor Administration Building was built in 1984, with multiple office spaces, mixed-use and meeting rooms, and a mechanical penthouse. The Municipal Campus System Condition Assessment Project was necessary as the client needed to understand the mechanical and electrical systems that existed supporting the building(s) to plan their asset management strategy. A Typical BCA would not provide the level of detail required. The goal was to complete the building condition and capital planning analysis into a 25-year life cycle plan, which would aid the data required by The City of Calgary to input into the City’s Capital Planning Tool.
Williams Engineering (WE) evaluated the building systems and equipment based on condition, life cycle, criticality and or replacement, risk analysis, and budget cost estimates. WE provided electrical and mechanical reviews of the base buildings. Base building mechanical components such as central services, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, controls, and fire suppression systems were reviewed to establish general configuration and condition. The evaluation identified conditions that were indicators of distress or equipment operation concern but did not involve examination or specialized testing of components. The electrical base building components included main service, distribution, life safety systems, and emergency power systems. The electrical items that were reviewed were classified into two areas, facility operations and electrical service for public areas.
A comprehensive report was used for The City of Calgary’s short- and long-term capital planning due to tight budgets and constraints. This aided in the success of the project, as it was important o have a clear idea of all the systems and how they continue to maintain under their current budgets.
The City of Calgary can now plan proactively, driven by the findings of the condition assessment, and create more informed plans for larger municipal projects. Williams Engineering will continue to deliver the best solutions and take stewardship of the success of all of our client’s projects.