The Shaganappi Tri-Services Building in Calgary, Alberta, consists of an Alberta Health Services (AHS) Community Health Centre and a Child Enrichment Centre. The AHS Community Health Centre provides essential infant and child immunization programs for Calgarians, while the Child Enrichment Centre is a not-for-profit childcare facility with the ambitious goal of creating accessible and affordable childcare for all Albertans.
Williams Engineering (WE) was retained as the structural, mechanical and building envelope engineering consultants on an extensive renovation to turn an abandoned library and outdated outpatient clinic into a larger AHS outpatient clinical facility. WE provided a complete boiler plant upgrade along with air handling units and piping and ductwork distribution in compliance with applicable medical codes and requirements. This upgrade included a comprehensive Building Automation System (BAS) front-end implementation to allow for monitoring and control of major mechanical infrastructure and equipment.
The Shaganappi Tri-Services Building creates a lasting impact on the public health and education for children in Calgary, due to its various early childhood programs and services provided by AHS. This renovation has resulted in a revised layout specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the AHS Community Health Centre and Child Enrichment Centre. With an updated facility, AHS can continue positively impacting people in Calgary and surrounding communities.