Award Magazine, October 2017, by Stacey McLachlan
Whether you’re an architect, designer, builder or homeowner, one thing is clear when you walk into a room: lighting completes a space. It sets a mood and tone for a room and, of course, helps you actually see what you’re doing. So while lights may sometimes get categorized as a decor accessory or an afterthought, in reality, they can make or break the look and feel of a room.
It’s no wonder that the lighting industry is constantly researching and developing new technologies to improve control and effectiveness, that the interior design world thoughtfully considers the impact of shape and finish, and that manufacturers are improving energy efficiency at lightning speed. With light products developing at such a rapid rate, next year is shaping up to be a truly illuminating year. Though function is obviously key when it comes to picking the right light for a space, homeowners are looking for pieces that will make a statement about their
personal style. And when it comes to the trending designs of lamps, pendant lights, chandeliers and sconces, it’s lighting retailers who have their fingers on the pulse.
As a frequent advisor on efficiency for projects, Martino Fanfani, branch manager at Williams Engineering, is very familiar with today’s top technological advancements and knows that lighting is a key element in creating a sustainable building. “There’s a lot of technology available to help with that process. The way the technology works has changed a bit over the years,” says Fanfani. “Here in B.C., there’s a big focus lately on building sustainable large-scale buildings. Builders before focused on efficient mechanical and electrical aspects, whereas now they pay attention to the building envelope itself. There’s a better balance between the different components of the building system.”
For commercial projects, it’s often the cost-savings that are more important than the design. “Definitely, the economic factor is always a driver,” says Fanfani. “It’s a very competitive market, especially the location where we are. The results of the final outcome, in regards to the resources that are taken, are something that we strive to perfect.” Luckily, producing LED lights are cheaper than ever, and production costs will only get lower as time goes on, so more often, these energy-efficient lights will become the choice for big builders.
Read the full article – You-Light-Up-My-Life