Our Yellowknife team wins the Community Involvement Award from the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce.
To cap off the end of a busy Small Business Week in Yellowknife, the corporate community attended the first annual Business Award Gala hosted by the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce on October 24, 2014. During this event, ten local businesses were recognized for their business excellence in the community.
Among the many dignitaries at the event, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment David Ramsay remarked that “it is obvious that the spirit of entrepreneurship, hard work, and appetite for success is alive and well in Yellowknife.”
Williams Engineering Canada (WEC) attended as a nominee for the Community Involvement Award and was pleased to receive the award for our outstanding commitment to the Yellowknife community.
WEC is extremely committed to giving back to the communities that support us. Corporately and individually, we volunteer our time, money, and expertise to numerous local not-for-profit organizations, causes, and foundations. Whether it be donating promotional items, providing monetary contributions for charity or the gift of time, WEC is proud to give back at all levels.
Our Yellowknife team is actively involved in the community and takes pride in helping others. Among our dedicated team members, we have board & committee members, a Girl Guide Leader, a Rotarian, a Taekwondo instructor, a search & rescue member, a singer, an actor, a dancer and multiple people who actively participate in volunteer activities, to name a few.
Our WEC Arctic Region is proud to have sponsored and/or participated in the following initiatives in the past year:
- Salvation Army Christmas Hampers and Toy Drive
- NWT United Way and Order of St. George Foundation in Nunavut
- Warm Hearts, Warm Hands
- Can You Build Yellowknife?, YK Food Bank
- Rotary Club of Yellowknife
- Yellowknife Scouts Car Rally
- NWT & Nunavut Construction Association Curling Bonspiel
- Canadian Cancer Society
- NWT United Way Days of Caring
- NWT Mining Heritage Society
- Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament
- NWT & Nunavut Construction Association Golf Tournament
- Overlander Sports Marathon
We are committed to being actively involved in our community and making Yellowknife a great city in which to live, work, and play. We are truly honoured to have been awarded this prestigious award.