We exist as a company because we are here to brighten the lives of people in all communities that experience our designs. Therefore, it is important for us to understand the role we play in Reconciliation by first understanding and acknowledging the Truth and then facilitating and supporting meaningful participation and engagement of Indigenous communities.
On September 30th, we honour the survivors, and the children lost to Canada’s residential school system, as well as their families and communities, with the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. This important day commemorates the ongoing impacts of Canada’s residential schools. Today also acts as an opportunity to continue working together as a country towards a future of partnership, honesty and true equity.
Working with our Indigenous partners, IRP (Inspire.Reconciliation.Potential), Williams Engineering (WE) participated in a training workshop on September 29th to gain a deeper understanding of Canada’s history with residential schools, reserves, medical experiments performed on Indigenous Peoples, the Pass System and more from IRP’s founding partners, Tosh Southwick and Davida Wood. As an organization, we acknowledge our responsibility to build awareness and understanding around Truth and Reconciliation in our role as Professional Engineers. We are open to listening, gaining knowledge and understanding the history, its lasting intergenerational impacts and how this changes the way we work as a company.
With a more comprehensive and inclusive perspective, we are better equipped to serve our communities and design safe and sustainable cities, benefitting everyone who enters and uses buildings in our communities.