Williams Engineering was initially engaged to complete 51 Facility Condition Assessments (FCAs) for all major facilities within the City of Abbotsford portfolio. Since the start of the project, the City of Abbotsford added 100 low-valued assets to be assessed. The types of buildings included multi-purpose recreation centres, fire halls, police stations, office buildings, works yards, and many other building types. Our evaluation included a review of each building, including the structural elements, building envelope, interior finishes, vertical transportation systems, mechanical systems, electrical systems and site elements over a 30-Year evaluation term. The FCA data collection guidelines and report format was designed to integrate with Abbotsford’s asset management systems used across the municipality. These assessments were used to formulate a Capital Plan that outlines and prioritizes annual funding requirements for capital projects over the next ten years (2017 – 2026). A workshop was held with key stakeholders from each department to discuss how to prioritize the projects. The prioritization methodology was developed from this stakeholder engagement specific to the needs and desires of the City of Abbotsford. The intent is to prioritize the distribution of available funding to address the current capital needs of the city’s portfolio.
In addition to the Facility Condition Assessment project, our team has prepared a Preventative Maintenance program for the City of Abbotsford based on the equipment observed during the Facility Condition Assessments. The team used iPlan™ as a database/reporting tool in which; its functionality will be used to generate the prioritized capital plan.