The ATB Centre is a recreational facility that integrates an ice complex, aquatics centre, and fitness facility under the convenience of one roof in the city of Lethbridge. Due to the scale and scope of the project, ATB Centre was designed and tendered in two phases.
During phase one, Williams Engineering (WE) provided mechanical, electrical, and energy modelling into the 125,000 ft2 ice complex portion of the centre. This phase included two NHL-sized rinks, 10 curling lanes, spectator seating for 900, a lounge area, concessions, multiple change rooms, and other ancillary spaces. Waste heat from the ice plant provides in-floor radiant heat to the spectator areas and change rooms. Extra waste heat from the ice plant was also utilized in phase two of the design and allows for domestic water preheating and additional facility change area in-floor heating. Phase one was completed in early spring of 2016.
Phase 2 includes an aquatic centre, multi-sport field house, fitness centre, and commercial spaces. WE provided mechanical, energy modelling, and commissioning. During phase two, Williams Engineering oversaw the mechanical design, as well as sustainable and energy-efficient system design to the approximately 256,000 ft2 portion of the recreational centre. Construction of phase two started in the spring of 2016 and was completed in May of 2019.
Unique to the sustainable design strategy was the recovery and reuse of the ice complex’s ice plant waste heat for in-floor radiant heating and domestic water preheating. Additionally, the mechanical team incorporated high-efficiency condensing boilers, fan motors, and pump motors to minimize energy consumption. Another design strategy implemented demand-controlled ventilation by using CO2 sensors to reduce over-ventilation during low periods of occupancy. The design was also coupled with temperature setbacks or fan shut-offs during expected periods of low occupancy. By utilizing sensors and pre-programmed factors, energy and heat consumptions can be smartly operated to produce cost savings and reduced energy consumption.
Regardless of the season, the Lethbridge community can now utilize a year-round recreational facility for all ages. The ATB Centre will attract provincial and national ice competitions while providing a place for Lethbridge residents to sweat, study, and connect.