As part of the City of Edmonton’s approved Civic Operations Greenhouse Gas Management Plan, audits were required on multiple facilities to identify energy savings and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction opportunities. The Civic Operations Greenhouse Gas Management Plan spans from 2019 – 2030 and has a target of a 45,000-tonne GHG reduction through building retrofits. The facilities included the City Arts Centre, the Orange Hub and two buildings within the Edmonton Research Park: Research Centre One and the Advanced Technology Centre.
Williams Engineering (WE) was retained by the City of Edmonton to conduct ASHRAE Level II Energy Audits and BOMA BEST 3.0 Water Assessments of their four specified facilities. Aspects of each facility’s operations were reviewed to identify energy and water efficiency opportunities and to gain understanding of each building’s operational requirements. An existing facility energy analysis was completed to identify options to reduce energy consumption along with the cost of implementation, operational savings, incentives and payback. In addition, the existing building energy model was created using RETScreen. Thermal scanning of the building envelope and blower door testing was completed by WE to provide details on pressurization, air sealing, weather stripping, exterior door and window frames. Bundles of energy conservation measures were provided to reach a 50% emission reduction and net-zero carbon-ready options for each building.
As city services expand, GHG emissions tend to increase due to higher population demands. Edmonton’s Greenhouse Gas Management Plan is an essential tool in reducing existing and future emissions, resulting in additional cost savings for each facility.