As the existing mechanical systems of three schools had reached the end of their life cycles, the Edmonton Catholic Separate School Division required mechanical and electrical engineering services to replace the boilers and related equipment. Williams Engineering (WE) acted as the Prime Consultant for the boiler replacement projects at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, St. Boniface and St. Stanislaus Schools and provided mechanical and electrical consulting engineering services.
Each school required the existing boilers to be replaced with a new efficient boiler system; this included replacing the pumps and expansion tanks. WE provided engineering services for the installation of variable speed drives for the new pumps and upgrading the building management control systems, motor starters and motor control centres. St. Boniface required replacements for the existing air scoop, air handling unit coils and associated piping. Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s existing hot water coils were converted to glycol systems to prevent freezing. The three projects were tendered under one package to utilize the same contractor on all three sites. This integrated approach allowed for a streamlined construction process on all three sites. The design phase started in September 2020, and construction was substantially completed in June of 2021.
The replacement and upgrades completed to the mechanical systems at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, St. Boniface and St. Stanislaus Schools offer significant energy reductions and ultimately reduce operating costs. This project provides all stakeholders with a safe and comfortable environment that can effectively support students to evolve their skills and enhance their education.