The Edmonton International Airport (EIA) is the primary traveling facility for Northern Canada in the Edmonton capital region of Alberta, supplying local and international flights to travelers since it opened in 1960. The facility services millions of passengers every year. As Canada’s fastest growing airport, the EIA has a vision to enhance visitors traveling experience by transforming the current structure with upgrades and focusing on facility expansion.
Williams Engineering (WE) has had the opportunity to work with the EIA on a number of projects that have supported in the expansion and upgrade of the existing airport since 2013. The EIA has been reviewing and enhancing visitor experiences on an ongoing basis. As part of this initiative, retail units have been added and enlarged to provide services that visitors are requesting. WE provided mechanical engineering services associated with the design and tender of mechanical changes required to enhance airside retail kiosks.
As part of the larger EIA terminal expansion plan, the car rental facilities located inside the existing parkade were re-configured. These changes resulted in the need to review the mechanical life-safety systems throughout the entire parkade. WE provided mechanical/fire protection engineering services associated with the review of the existing parkade fire protection systems.
Additional projects that WE worked on for the EIA include the north terminal electrical room cooling system replacement, main terminal cooling system redundancy upgrade, parkade sprinkler system upgrade, retail unit ventilation upgrade and domestic hot water replacement. WE is excited to continue assisting the EIA on facility upgrades and expansion to achieve their vision of more flights to more places while enhancing their visitors traveling experience.