The Jasper Place Bowl, located in Edmonton’s westside, replaces the aging grandstand with an improved 2,000 seat structure, spotters’ box, administrative and storage spaces and additional dressing rooms. The City of Edmonton found the original grandstand, constructed in 1967, was no longer able to meet the needs of the users and visitors of the facility, requiring extensive renovations to make the structure accessible to all members of the community.
Williams Engineering (WE) was retained by Dub Architects Ltd. to provide structural, mechanical, energy modelling and electrical engineering consulting services for the replacement and addition to the Jasper Bowl Grandstand. WE’s electrical team provided the required upgrades to the field lighting, resulting in improved lighting levels and uniformity on the playing field as well as precise lighting controls that are easily adjustable for any event or to accommodate media. The upgraded mechanical system provides a comfortable indoor environment during the operating season of the building, maintaining a minimum indoor space temperature that effectively prevents piping from freezing during the winter months. While remaining focused on the durability and resiliency of the facility throughout the project, WE’s structural design included cantilevered wing walls, using a combination of load-bearing masonry and steel framing to provide the most robust structure possible.
Using Building Information Modeling (BIM), the design team seamlessly engaged with all consultants on the project to work within the same shared model in Revit. This approach ensured all disciplines worked successfully to coordinate systems and equipment to accommodate the architect’s desired design outcome.
The upgrades to Jasper Place Bowl Grandstand significantly reduce estimated greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the City of Edmonton’s emissions reduction target of a 50% reduction by 2030. We’re proud to be part of the team that designed a safe, sustainable and inclusive space that enables community members to connect while watching or participating in various sporting events.