Located roughly thirty-five kilometers from Victoria in Sooke, British Columbia, the SEAPARC Leisure Complex is a recreational facility offering programs and activities for children and adults of all ages. The recreational facility includes an aquatic centre with a six-lane competition pool, leisure pool and sauna, a skating arena with an NHL regulation-sized rink, skate park, baseball diamond and several multi-purpose rooms used for dance, aerobics, yoga, meetings and events.
Williams Engineering (WE) was retained as the mechanical and electrical engineering consultants on the SEAPARC Leisure Complex. The first phase of the project included working with the Capital Regional District (CRD) to evaluate the existing pool facility’s boiler plant. Upon review, an options study was produced that explored four alternate systems to supplement the existing oil-fired boilers. The four options included the addition of a high-efficiency gas boiler to handle the daily heating load, replacing the existing boilers with new high efficiency oil boilers, complete replacement with new gas boilers, or applying of a carbon-neutral biomass boiler system. All four options were evaluated in terms of greenhouse gas reductions, anticipated capital, operating and maintenance costs, operator training and servicing requirements. All projections were estimated over a 20-year period.
Upon completion of the report, the CRD selected the supplemental high-efficiency gas boiler option and retained WE to implement the recommendation. The system’s set points and controls were modified to ensure the natural gas boiler would be the primary heating source and reduce the fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions of the facility. In addition to the new gas-fired boiler, a fuel oil spill containment and monitoring system was also applied. The monitoring system was connected to the building controls to allow for continuous monitoring and instant notification to facility staff in the event of an oil leak.
SEAPARC Leisure Centre’s new mechanical system significantly reduces the building’s greenhouse gas emissions, operating costs and potential risks associated with aging equipment. These notable improvements increase the sustainability of the building and ensure the service life of mechanical and electrical equipment is thoroughly understood and optimized for SEAPARC’s specific operational requirements. The facility is currently fully functional and offers a variety of programs that enhance the health, wellness and development of visitors of all ages within the community.