Williams Engineering (WE) provided consulting engineering services for the Stanton Territorial Hospital Upgrades in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. On-going improvements were completed in phases to minimize disruptions within the operating hospital and to stay within the approved annual budget for the work. The health and safety of the patients, nurses, and doctors have been the first priority throughout the design and construction processes.
The upgrades included:
- Mechanical consulting engineering services for technical upgrades to the ventilation, chilled water, medical gas, oxygenation, and fire suppression systems
- Electrical consulting engineering services for upgrades to the communications distribution, fire alarm, nurse call, and security systems
- Structural consulting engineering services for seismic review and chiller base design
- Architectural consulting services as required for the technical upgrades and building envelope upgrades
Our firm started a program of upgrading various components of the hospital, including the replacement of Halon systems; upgrading domestic water valves; installing backwater protection on the sprinkler system; replacing the chillers, VAV systems, Nurse Call system, and the clock system; adding seismic restraints to the building systems; and upgrading the medical gas systems including new oxygenators, and new medical air systems.
WE was the prime consultant on the addition of a Triage Room and various other renovations to the emergency ward of the Stanton Territorial Hospital. This project was one of the first projects at this hospital to fully incorporate CSA Standard Z317 into practice.
Other Stanton Territorial Hospital projects include the following:
- Stanton Biohazard Storage Room
- Stanton Seclusion Room Upgrade
- Stanton Vaporizer Replacement
- Stanton Biosafety Cabinet Replacement
- Stanton Pressurization Upgrades