Located in Burnaby, British Columbia, and owned by the City of Burnaby, the Bonsor Senior’s 55+ centre is a new 8,400-square-foot building dedicated to seniors 55 years and older. The centre is two stories, complete with a coffee bar, pool hall, meeting rooms, office space and multi-purpose community/activity spaces. The new building is located over an underground parking garage which is shared with the nearby Chancellor Tower, which is connected by a walkway from the Bonsor Complex and is close to amenities such as the Metrotown Mall.
WE designed the building’s HVAC, plumbing and fire suppression systems. Heating, cooling and ventilation are achieved using a Variable Air Volume (VAV) system, which tailors the heating/cooling and ventilation needs to the immediate demands of each space. WE worked directly with the equipment manufacturer, mechanical contractor and controls specialist trades to implement a more advanced energy-savings controls sequence than typical packaged VAV systems employ. The system is also adjusted and monitored at the City of Burnaby’s central control station via the building’s direct digital controls system and Internet connection. Meanwhile, a feature gas fireplace in the main floor multi-purpose area provides warmth and ambiance, while an outdoor community barbecue area with natural gas outlets encourages gatherings in the sun. A central hot water system with a recirculation pump was used to ensure efficient generation and quick delivery of hot water throughout the building.