The Stettler Recreation Centre is a two-storey multi-purpose recreation centre located in Stettler, Alberta. With a total of 113,484ft2 the centre consists of two ice arenas, an aquatic centre, a fitness centre, a library, a senior’s recreation area, meeting rooms and a lobby area. Based on the feedback gathered from the public, the Town of Stettler is exploring the possibility of expanding the facility. Williams Engineering (WE) was retained by the city to complete a study on expanding the facility. It was essential to understand the current condition of the facility and review all contributing factors for high energy costs and understand if energy efficiency opportunities could be implemented. The energy saving and capital replacement items could either be incorporated into a future expansion or completed in advance of an expansion but either way, it was essential to understand the impact it would have on the facility.
WE conducted a Building Condition Assessment and Energy Audit of the recreation facility. The condition assessment forecasted capital renewal activities over the next 10 years. This was highlighted by the need to replace the ice plant serving the area. The detailed energy audit showed the ice arenas contributed to the largest portion of the energy cost. With the need to replace the ice plant, it opened opportunities to propose a number of energy-saving opportunities. These are highlighted by recommendations to incorporate heat recover from the ice plant to serve the pool, low emissivity ceiling and lighting redesign for the areas. The energy audit identified almost $95,000 in annual savings. The final report was submitted for the Taking Action to Manage Energy (TAME+) program, which provides funding to help municipalities understand how energy is used in their buildings, identify key savings opportunities, and implement retrofit projects.
After completing the building condition assessment and energy audit, WE remains engaged with the town of Stettler to provide additional engineering services for replacing the ice plant.